Author Guidelines
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically via email to the Managing Editor at All manuscripts should be drafted using Microsoft Word. JGSD publishes only original work, and only those not previously published or submitted elsewhere will be accepted. The word limit for articles is 7,000 words, including abstract, endnotes, and references. Tables, figures, charts, and appendices will not be included in that word count. Short opinion articles and book reviews should not exceed 2,000 words. Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced in 12-point Times Roman font with 3 cm margins on either side and 2.5 cm at the top and bottom based on the A4-sized format.
As JGSD uses a double-blind review process, authors should avoid indicating their authorship in the body of the manuscript. If citing or quoting from their previously published work, author(s) should refer to ‘oneself’ in the third person and include references to their work in the reference list. The anonymity of the authors must be preserved. Acknowledgements or expressions of gratitude may be added after the manuscript has been accepted for publication. On a separate page preceding the main body of the text, authors should include the title of the manuscript, their names, institutional affiliation and the email address of the corresponding author (in case of more than one author), an abstract of no more than 150 words and four to six keywords.
All manuscripts should be clearly and concisely written, and jargon or overly technical language avoided. Use American spellings throughout, except for quoted materials with different spellings—the original spelling must be retained. Also, do not use first person (‘I’ or ‘we’) anywhere in the manuscript. Use acronyms sparingly and expand them the first time these are mentioned.
Tables or figures should be on separate pages at the end of the manuscript, but their placement in the manuscript should be indicated by inserting ‘Place table/figure 1 here’. For figures or tables, do not use heavy borders or shading. Please note: the print version of the Journal does not print them in color.
The title of the article and primary subheadings should be in 14-point bold and separated from the text. Secondary subheadings are to be in 12-point bold and set on a line separate from the text and indented by 0.5cm from the left margin.
Quoted text of more than 50 words should be inserted as a block quotation separated from the main text and indented 0.5cm from both left and right margins. These must not be enclosed in quotation marks. Shorter quoted text must begin and end with double quotation marks. All quotations must have the page number(s) from the original source cited. Names of books, newspapers, and journals must be Italicized and not underlined.
Notes and References
Manuscripts should use the Author-Date method of citing and referencing.
Reference list entries (in alphabetical order)
March, S. and W. Rees (2012). The European Union in the Security of Europe: From Cold War to Terror War. London: Routledge.
Rothstein, B. (2011). The Quality of Government: Corruption, Social Trust, and Inequality in International Perspective. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Slotin, J., V. Wyeth and P. Romita (2010). Power, Politics, and Change: How International Actors Assess Local Context. International Peace Institute.
In-text citations
(March and Rees, 2012: 12)
(Rothstein, 2011: 315–16)
(Slotin et al., 2010: 4-5)
Book Chapter
Reference list entry
Weber, M. (2004). ‘The "Objectivity" of Knowledge in Social Science and Social Policy’. In: Whimster, S. (ed.), The Essential Weber: A Reader (pp.359-405). London: Routledge.
In-text citation
(Weber, 2004: 177–78)
Journal Article
Reference list entry
Vries, M. S. (2013). ‘The challenge of good governance’, The Innovation Journal, 18(1), 1-9.
In-text citation
(Vries, 2013: 3)
Online Materials
Reference list entry
OECD (2015). ‘Inclusive government for a more inclusive society,’, in Government at a Glance 2015. Paris: OECD Publishing. DOI:
World Bank (Online). Worldwide Governance Indicators.
In-text citation
(OECD, 2015)
(World Bank, online)
References or in-text citations created by a reference management software such as ‘EndNote’, ‘Zotero’ etc., should be converted to plain text in the manuscript.
Once a manuscript is formally accepted, authors will be required to sign a copyright agreement form and assign copyright of their article to the Centre for Governance Studies.
If you have any queries, please contact the Managing Editor.