Journal Abstract
Volume 5 | Number 1 | Online Early Version
Online Version: ISSN No: 2709-0590
Print Version: ISSN No: 2708-2490
Price: BDT: 750.00, USD: 25.00
Publish Date: 01, July 2024
Shahadat Hossain
From a regional integration perspective, South Asia is a complicated region. Because of its closeness in terms of geography, history, and society, it can integrate, yet it still confronts many obstacles. The first regional endeavor in South Asia was the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, or SAARC. However, SAARC has not significantly achieved regional integration, in contrast to the successful regional projects of the European Union (EU) in Europe and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in Southeast Asia. In addition to political factors and the ongoing conflict between India and Pakistan, there are a number of additional problems that have impeded South Asia's regional integration and contributed to this lack of success. This article offers a thorough examination of these problems, concentrating mostly on the ways in which bilateral disputes between South Asian countries impact regional integration. A comparative analysis is also included, looking at why regional integration has worked well in Southeast Asia and Europe but not in South Asia. This article concludes by giving a realistic perspective of the regional scene and discussing the potential, problems, and complexities of regional integration in South Asia.